Monday, March 12, 2012

Plagues and Other Hobbies

Today in my Literature of the Bible class, our task was to come up with ten modern plagues. I thought my list was pretty good. What do you think?

1. All cell phone spomtaneoulsy combust
2. The Mississippi River runs plaid for a week
3. All radio signals in the world get stuck on Justin Bieber songs
4. It rains used Taco Bell wrappers for a week
5. Cats develop the ability to speak and tell us how dumb they think we really are.
6. The cast of Glee starts singing a hip hop version of Free Bird and can't stop until they have keeled over with exhaustion
7. The internet is taken over by the People of Wal-Mart.
8. All first born boys suddenly look like Flava-Flav and Stewie Griffin had a baby.
9. The smell of vomit takes over Washington DC
10. Monkeys hijack airplanes and fling their poop at us from 500 feet up.

Just a random word about other hobbies:

We teachers love to torture unsuspecting students with tricky writing prompts. We lay in bed at night thinking them up when the rest of the world is snoozing. I enjoyed the ten plagues assignment. Comment back with your own modern plagues.

Eating icing is the best way to beat insomnia (trust me, I know)

I like to stick to the four food groups: candy, candy corn, cany canes and sugar. How about you?

TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)


  1. You're too clever! Great assignment and I love that you did it yourself as well. Did you share your list with your students? It would take me weeks to come up with ten plagues that would even touch yours (with a ten foot pole). However, I am challenged to begin. . . 1) Whenever we walked all of our shoes made that same horrid sound you hear on basketball courts so that March Madness was even more annoying than it already is.

  2. hey mrs weber i know a famous person and its you!!!!!!!

  3. I love your list. We should do this in creative writing. Anyways, I'll give this a shot.
    1)Every guy on Earth (other than me) catches "swag"
    2)Democrats are elected for three terms in a row.
    3)Jocks actually start thinking.
    4)The nerd actually gets the girl.
    5)Sugar starts making people lose weight, really fast!
    6)The Internet is shut down for a month.
    7)All stoplights stay on red forever.
    9)Bottled water turns the color of pee and tastes like garlic and onions.
    10)Cliques disappear and everyone is actually friends with everybody, no matter what they're interested in. (I don't have this problem, I am not exactly part of any clique.)
